Mask Fit Testing

Respirator Fit Testing

Regulatory Requirements

A respirator is a breathing quality enhancement devise that is designed to eliminate or minimize the exposure of the person utilizing a respirator to dusts, biological, particulates or chemical exposures. Because we as humans have different shapes and sizes of faces, respirators come in different shapes and sizes.  A respirator cannot protect you if it doesn’t perfectly fit your face. It’s that simple. According to OSHA, certain respirators, known as tight-fitting respirators, must form a tight seal with your face or neck to work properly. If your respirator doesn’t fit your face properly, contaminated air can leak into your respirator facepiece, and you could breathe in hazardous substances. So before you wear a tight-fitting respirator at work, your employer must be sure that your respirator fits you. Your employer does this by performing a fit test on you while you wear the same make, model, and size of respirator that you will be using on the job. That way, you know that your respirator fits you properly and can protect you, as long as you use it correctly.

So what is a fit test? A “fit test” tests the seal between the respirator’s facepiece and your face. It takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to complete and is performed at least annually. After passing a fit test with a respirator, you must use the exact same make, model, style, and size respirator on the job.

A fit test should not be confused with a user seal check. A user seal check is a quick check performed by the wearer each time the respirator is put on. It determines if the respirator is properly seated to the face or needs to be readjusted. 

The most common question from clients and the general public is: Is this required by law ????

The answer is very simple, ABSOLUTELY. Under Ontario Regulation 833 simply states: “A respirator that is designed to be tight-fitting shall be tested for fit ” 

Every employer MUST ensure that their employees and themselves are fit tested before using a respirator. 

How can We Help ? Just call us .. we will take care of it. 

We will ask you questions such as: How many people are there at your workplace that require fit testing ?, What respirators are you using ? and what is the nature of your work ?

Once we have that information, we will provide you pricing and will schedule your appointment. We will work with your schedule. The process takes about 15 minutes per person per respirator, a minimum of one hour per appointment. The cost is $460 per hour. 

MayaMedica's qualified technologists and technicians use the best quantitative fit testing instrumentation and the process is carried our by trained qualified professionals recognised under the regulatory requirements. A card certificate is issued at the end of the test, if the test is a pass, certifying that the person has been fit tested for that respirator.  

Please note that Surgical Masks cannot be fit tested. 

Respirator types:

N95, KN95, N100, P100, P95 and more .. 


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